Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Challenge 1,2,3

1)The key recommendations are these four:Caring for the elderly,both financially and healthy,Accessibility,Homes for the elderly which is cheap and elderly-friendly and Opportunities for the elderly where they can go out and also get into the community of Singapore.They need the money to support their financial needs like bills or food.The Government have already fulfilled this part as they have CPF,savings and Medisave but they need to increase the amount of money they put in Medisave each month or year as they are old,they are more prune to accidents and sicknesses so they need the money to support that kind of bills they face.Accessibility is an issue that has not been fully tackled since that oly some of the places in Singapore is elderly friendly.They should build and construct more place for the elderly where they can move as fast as the younger people of Singapore do today.Homes is a problem too as their neighborhood may not have elderly-friendly places like the rental-places or other HDB flats around Singapore as some elderly may need to go down stairs to get to a specific level but that is not possible for the elderly who are wheelchair-bound.They should put a elevator on every level which are like cargo lifts as they need to have a lot of space for their wheelchair will be needed.They also should have more opportunities for the elderly as they need a job to support them and there are many opportunities for them as consultants as they have done the jobs before so they may have the experience to teach the inexperienced youths of Singapore of Singapore how get the job done.

2)They are willing to get more housing support care.

3)They could increase CPF income for the elderly only so that they can be able to get more out of their money ad may be able to support themselves throughout their elderly lives.They also can have more foreign workers as maids so they can be able to help the elderly for their slow movements and if there were a bad accident there,there was somebody to call the authorities for help.

Well I have carefully observed the elderly in my younger age,as time passes,I have noticed some changes

Observation 1)They become less cranky over the years as they tend to let go more as they do not cane or scold me as often before with the same chaos around the house.

Observation 2)They lose some memory.They tend to forget what they are doing and I have to remind them what they were doing before.

Observation 3)Their physique begins to weaken.They cannot be as flexible,strong and pain-withstanding as they used to be in their younger days so they have to constantly grip on supports like people or handle bars and also have to constantly sit to rest their feet from "long' walks.

Observation 4)They have no regard for the advancements in the world so they often cross the road recklessly and also cross the road when the there is no cars moving,not when there is a green man so that will be life-threatening to them.

4)We could spend more time with them as they are solitary and they need other people to comfort them and spent time with them and become social.We can persuade some of the elderly friends to come together and may have block party.We can also persuade them to exercise and make them more healthy so as to reduce injury

Sunday, June 20, 2010

16th wednesday

The elderly sometimes need to go to locations quickly because of the weather and some ordinary shading equipment like umbrellas may be too heavy for the elderly to carry and they get too hot or wet in the weather in the end and may have some sickness for being exposed to the sun heat or the rain for too long.They may have some special equipment for them such as a very long handle for the umbrella so that is may serve as a walking stick or cane for them.They also can have more shaded areas for them to rest during intervals so that when they tire out they can take a break at one of the intervals.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

9th of wednesday

I notice that the elderly may have some movement problems with their walking aids and may not be as fast as us so they need to be as fast as us by some future methods and more current methods like the wheelchair platform and the lifts with giant spaces for the elderly and their handicap equipment and still have space for the normal non-disabled people like the youths and the middle aged people who still have the ability to stand on two feet and still has the ability to see and also hear

2nd of wednesday

I learnt that the old people need to have some special equipment for their disabilities such as for blindness,they need a trained dog,a white cane to feel around or a human guide for them;for deafness they need a hearing aid or some knowledge of sign language;for touch there is no cure yet and this also applies to smell and also taste.They cannot have that much of agility because of that and they have fear as they cannot see or hear what is going to happen.They need some comfort so they stay at home as they believe there is no danger at home and so they rarely come out.